Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Rice With Human Genes


This is not how we were designed to eat. When you start to get educated you will realize how incredible Uri’s live, whole food based, Insta Fresh Juices really are. They maybe the most nutritious thing many people will ever eat. Our proprietary no heat dehydrating process converts live whole foods and fresh raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting, instant, all natural juice powders. All our ingredients are either certified organic or use organic practices such as no synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, no GMO and no irradiation.”There is a purpose behind this company way beyond making money. Unleash the Life Within – Try our products Release the Life Within – Share with others Inspire the Life Within – Encourage others do the same Experience the Life Within With Uri International Sample everyone you know, meet or love! He who samples most wins!

The Future Of Real Nutrition

From Bret Rademachert:

I believe the Future of REAL nutrition will be based onpure as possible, concentrated live whole foods, and nutrient dense super foods that are in a lifestyle friendly, convenient and great tasting delivery system. Why do I say that?

Because of what is happening today to the food supply. Hormones, steroids, antibiotics in animals; Toxins and pollutants in the soil and water; Processed, chemical and preservative laden, lifeless food; Synthetic chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers; fumigation; Synthetic, isolated vitamins and inorganic mineral supplements;

Nutrient deficient produce; Pastuerization Irradiation and genetic modification. They are even researching, testing and introducing human genes, pesticides, viruses, drugs, and vaccines into seeds. Hard to believe? Check it out:http://www.truefoodnow.org

Why Did Brett Radmacher Choose Uri International?

Brett Radmeacher is well known for the bang he made in the network marketing industry. To start is the fact that he made $350,000 per month with SeaSilver taking it from a small company to a multi-million dollar company. He did this by his powerful, systematic marketing techniques. He is also well known for losing it all because SeaSilver ignored warnings from the FDA.

Well, he is back after a long hard search for the right company that will (1) be FDA compliant and remain so (2) allow him to implement his strategies (3) have a solid and effective product that is affordable and a high re-order rate (4) a compensation plan that will take him from $350,000 per month commissions to $3,000,000 per month commissions.

Yes, that's right....$3,000,000 per month is his goal and what he believes with the right use of his marketing systems will take him there!!! Want join me and be on his UriLife Team?

Friday, September 14, 2007


Attention All!!!:

Please read carefully and take serious the following article. This is the very reason why (1) We have to do something (2) We need to supplement with The Feast...

American Crystal, a large Wyoming-based sugar company,who ironically have launched an "organic" line of their sugar,and several other leading U.S. sugar providers have announced they will be sourcing their sugar from genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets beginning this year and arriving in stores in 2008. Like GE corn and GE soy, products containing GE sugar will not be labeled as such.

Since half of the granulated sugar in the U.S. comes from sugar beets, a move towards biotech beets marks a dramatic alteration of the U.S. food supply.These sugars, along with GE corn and soy, are found in many conventional food products, so consumers will be exposed to genetically engineered ingredients in just about every non-organic multiple-ingredient product they purchase.The GE sugar beet is designed to with stand strong doses of Monsanto's controversial broad spectrum Roundup herbicide. Studies indicate farmers planting "Roundup Ready" corn and soy spray large amounts of the herbicide, contaminating both soil and water. Farmers planting GE sugar beets are told they may be able to apply the herbicide up to five times per year. Sugar beets are grown on 1.4 million acres by 12,000 farmers in the U.S. from Oregon to Minnesota.

Meanwhile candy companies like Hershey's are urging farmers not to plant GE sugar beets, noting tha tconsumer surveys suggest resistance to the product.

In addition the European Union has not approved GE sugar beets for human consumption.

You can take action now to stop Genetically Engineered Sugar:http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_7031.cfm "


Uri International has a solution with The Feast. To order samples simply go to www.SampleFeast.com

UriLife Team

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Brett Rademacher's Multi-Million Dollar UriLife Team With Uri International

In only 4 months over a thousand reps have joined highly successful network marketer Brett Rademacher's UriLife Team. Brett was once with SeaSilver making $350,000 per month using his highly successful marketing systems. He has brought those very systems to Uri International. His goal is to make $3,000,000 a month in commission.

Alternative Health Company markets the best health supplements. They have recently chosen to add a product called The Feast from Uri International in Utah. It is a hot-selling and highly nutritional whole food. . Uri has a unique way of converting 71 fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, seeds, nuts and berries into a powder maintaining all enzymes.

Monday, September 10, 2007

UriLife Recorded Call - Uri International

Here it is! The latest UriLife call regarding Uri International. Here details about the nutritional value of The Feast along with both the companies new strategies and our UriLife team strategy!

To hear the call Click on the following: http://www.byoaudio.com/play/Wf7tTbw4

For more info on the product http://www.UriLife.com/GetTheFeast
For more info on the business http://www.BrettTheMoneyMaker.com
For the corporate site http://www.UriInternational.com/GetTheFeast

UriLife Call With Brett Rademacher

For all who missed tonights call Sept 9th, 9m EST605-772-3800 pin code: 563727#

Please look out for the audio recorded soon. I will be posting. Thanks!!

For info on the product http://www.Urilife.net/GetTheFeast

More info on the product http://www.UriInternational.com/GetTheFeast.com

For info on the business http://www.BrettTheMoneyMaker.com

Join the UriLife Team Now!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

New Uri International Distributor on the UriLife Team!!!

Congrats to April M. Lopez as a new member of the UriLife team! She is now an Affiliate with a goal of being a Supervisor this month! She plans to retire with Uri International!

You can check out her UriLife site at www.UriLife.com/ILoveToFeast

Uri International is EXPANDING to other countries!!!

The following is an email I received from Uri International regarding being able to ship to other countries:


We have shipped recently into Puerto Rico, Japan, Vietnam, United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia (with restrictions). We use UPS World Wide to ship and they become the Broker for getting the products delivered to the countries. We do not have any distribution centers located in any other country but the U.S. With Australia, we did not see any restrictions on the UPS website, but the Feast and Supercharge were quarantined and not allowed in because of the banana in it. You would just need to go to the US Post Office website and UPS website and enter the information in for the country in question to see what the restrictions and regulations are in shipping there. The recipient is responsible for all duties, customs fees, taxes and brokerage fees when the package is delivered.

Move Up In Rankings and Pay Scale Fast!!! - UriLife

I have been in Uri International for only less than 3 months starting as an Affiliate. I moved to Supervisor in the first month and am now a Manager as of last month! The next goal and step is Executive!!!

Join the UriLife Team Now!! www.GetTheFeast.com

Special Meeting In Utah

Brett Rademacher will be in the great state of Utah. He will be doing another meetingFriday, September 14th at Uri International Corporate in Cedar City from 10 am to 3 pm MST. Frank Atkins will also be there. They will be doing an Internet VIDEO broadcast. All are encouraged to bring your best prospects. This will be a most exciting meeting!

To join this team simply go to www.GetTheFeast.com

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Future Of Food

I strongly advise everyone to watch this video The Future Of Food and see what greedy companies and governments are allowing to happen right now. This affect you, me our kids and everyone in the world. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES TO THIS!!!

I have a link on the right panel of this page. Please share this video with everyone!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Update - What's Going On With Uri International

Uri is poised to absolutely explode and I don't want you to miss it. We had a group of distributors come into visit the URI corporate headquarters on 8-31-07 in Cedar City, UTAH and they were ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY by what we have and what we are about to do.

Some of them were VERY experienced and successful network marketers. There are things here we are not yet ready to make available on a broad scale just yet. But we revealed them at this meeting. This is bigger than any project I have ever done. You do not want to miss out on this.We will be doing another get together Sept. 14 in CedarCity, UT. 10 am to 3 pm. If you can make it, be here.

You will leave more excited than you have ever been in network marketing. I promise. Make sure you sample everyone you know, love and meet on a daily basis. Make sure you are prepared to go on a MASSIVE sample this September. Order TONIGHT! I firmly believe company sales will DOUBLE in the next Take massive action today, and for next 2 months. Come out to Uri on September 14th and find out why Uri is about to become one of the best network marketing companies in the industry.