Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It locks in the nutritional integrity of these fruits, vegetables and whole foods, so you get the nutritional benefits as Nature intended!

This unique breakthrough gives you more REAL whole food-based nutrition than any other supplement, formula or green food or drink I�ve ever seen because...

It locks in the nutritional integrity of these fruits, vegetables and whole foods, so you get the nutritional benefits as Nature intended!

As soon as a fruit or vegetable is picked off the vine, it begins to die. So if you eat an apple or a tomato that�s been picked days or weeks ago, you don�t get all of its nutritional benefits. You may only get a fraction.

But not so with the fruits, vegetables and whole foods found in The Feast�. Many are locally grown, on our own certified organic farmland or on our network of partner farms that produce organic and/or natural crops, so we can control the freshness of the harvest.

This farmland is some of the most nutrient rich soil on earth! This fertile land began as a prehistoric lake bed, layered with deep soil, created and kept rich by volcanic ash, mountain run off and organic matter.

It�s absolutely laden with selenium, friendly and beneficial organisms, fulvic acid, rare earth and vital plant micronutrients necessary for optimal plant growth.

Combine this with clean air, sunshine, elevation, low humidity, proper crop rotation and continued re-mineralization from surrounding snow capped mountains and you get superior, nutrient dense, organic crops!

What�s more, I even have samples of the fruits and vegetables delivered to me so I can check if they�re ready for harvest. If they are not ready for harvest, we wait. If so, we pick...then quickly wash them, turn them into juice and use the InstaFresh� Drying Process to "lock in" the nutritional value and integrity of these fruits and vegetables.

The result? A synergistic, all natural, nutritionally balanced combination of Nature�s most beneficial whole food concentrates, minerals, enzymes and probiotics. All in a delicious, easy-to-use drink!

How will you benefit by drinking The Feast� every day? In many unique ways as you�ll now see...

- If you could see this certified organic farmland with your own eyes, then you�d know why it produces such nutrient-rich, delicious, organic and naturally grown crops.

Most "green" drinks taste like licking a Lawn mower. Not this one.

So delicious even kids want more!

The downfall of most "green" drinks is they taste bad. Like licking a Lawn mower or having a "grass shake." Who wants to consume a drink that requires holding your nose just to get it down? Yuck!

Others complain that "green" drinks smell like a rotting pond filled with green slime. Whoa!

Not so with The Feast�. Its natural mixed berry flavor is so delicious and so flavorful that even kids love it. You know how picky they can be! It smells great, too!

been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Why do you get REAL whole food-based nutrition with The Feast�? It all starts with the quality of ingredients.

The first reason why The Feast� gives you REAL whole food-based nutrition compared to conventionally grown fruits or vegetables is the superior quality of its ingredients.

The Feast� provides you with a unique "certified organic" or naturally grown blend of fruits, vegetables, greens, berries, seeds, nuts and sprouts that are all free of chemical pesticides and other hazardous and toxic products.

Why is this important?

Because organic foods are more nutritious than conventional foods. In the biggest and most extensive scientific study done to date on organic foods, it was shown that organic potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, cabbage, onions and lettuce had between 20�40 percent more nutrients than non-organic foods. (15) The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine reports that organic crops contain significantly more iron, vitamin C, magnesium and phosphorus and significantly less nitrates (a toxin) than conventional crops.(16) In addition, reveals that organic foods have higher nutritional levels of health-promoting antioxidants to keep you healthy.

The bottom line: The more organic fruits and vegetables you eat, the more nutrition you get. REAL whole food based nutrition.

But there�s another reason why The Feast� gives you REAL nutrition as only whole food-based nutrition can.

It�s your most convenient source of REAL whole food-based nutrition that�s...

An unparalleled quality, quantity, variety and value of live whole foods and fresh raw juice concentrates.

The Feast� gives you a quality, quantity, variety and value of REAL whole-food based nutrition found nowhere else.

It�s the one and only live whole food-based nutritional product on the planet that delivers a full, synergistic spectrum of over 176 all natural ingredients, including...

  • 30 antioxidant rich fruits & berries
  • 30 powerful greens and vegetables
  • 11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts and sprouts
  • 83 plus active enzymes and full spectrum fulvic mineral blend
  • 22 resilient living, beneficial probiotics All in ONE concentrated whole food-based supplement for today�s active and demanding lifestyles. Feed your body the feast it deserves!

    But there�s even more.
  • Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    So how can you get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs and understands?

    The answer is found in a new, cutting-edge breakthrough that guarantees you REAL whole food based nutrition...
    • without fistfuls of expensive pills
    • without messy juicers
    • without endless peeling, chopping or cooking
    • without yucky tasting "green" drinks
    "Introducing the breakthrough technology that locks in the REAL nutritional value of fresh organic fruits and vegetables�guaranteed!"

    The origin of The Feast� begins back in the late 1970s when my family began a small herb harvesting business in the southwestern desert regions of the United States.

    When I was seven years old, I began helping in the family business by harvesting wild herbs...and at that time, my lifelong interest in nutrition was sparked.

    The business flourished, and soon we were providing wild crafted herb powders to some of the biggest nutritional companies in America.

    In the mid 1980s, we began looking for a superior way to preserve the nutritional integrity of whole foods in order to provide a much higher form of quality nutrients than found in typical nutritional supplements.

    During this time, we began developing a proprietary process for drying live whole foods and fresh raw juices into powder. We began with cereal grasses and herbs.

    We discovered that the best way to preserve the nutritional integrity of these grasses and herbs was to dry them using low heat and quickly turn them into powder in seconds at very low temperatures.

    As our processing technology evolved and continually improved, we then turned to processing organic and naturally grown fruits and vegetables.

    I knew that if I could make this drying process work for fresh, organic produce, I would be onto something big. The quality of the nutrient dense products resulting from our proprietary process was far superior to anything produced by other nutritional supplement processing techniques.

    We realized that our proprietary process could revolutionize how we take, absorb and benefit from vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients naturally found abundantly in organic produce.

    It took years for me to perfect it, but now I�m excited to tell you all about...

    ...the proprietary InstaFresh� Drying process.

    Here�s the new secret behind REAL whole food-based nutrition.

    Where I live, I�m surrounded by some of the most fertile, mineral-rich farmland in America.

    Yet even for me, it�s a challenge to find the best organic and naturally grown fruits and vegetables: The sweetest corn this side of heaven...lip-smacking tomatoes like your grandmother used to grow...the peaches that melt in your mouth...and green beans so fresh they pop when you snap them and taste even better than you remember.

    If I have to work at consuming my 5�9 servings of organic or naturally grown fruits and vegetables each day�and enjoy all the extra benefits they give me�then I know it�s even harder for you!

    But that�s what The Feast� is all about!

    Now, you can get the quality, quantity, variety, integrity and value of delicious organic and naturally-grown fruits and vegetables from the purest sources possible�all without chopping, peeling, cooking or juicing or relying on yucky "green" drinks or fistfuls of pills.

    The secret to The Feast� is our proprietary InstaFresh� Low-Temperature Drying Process, which:

    1. Takes newly harvested organic and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, greens, berries, nuts, seeds and sprouts...

    2. Makes them into whole food purees and freshly-pressed 34� F liquid juice...

    3. Turns that juice into a concentrated powder within 30 seconds with temperatures that average 65� F and never exceed 100� F (heat over 100� kills most nutrients and enzymes)

    4. All in a timely manner to ensure REAL whole food-based nutrition The result? A unique, concentrated whole food-based InstaFresh� juice powder that locks in the nutritional value of these fresh, delicious fruits, vegetables and whole foods.

    Simply mix this powder with water (or juice) in our unique URI Shaker Cup and drink it, and you have The Feast�: The most beneficial, nutrient-dense and delicious form of nutrition I�ve ever experienced.

    In fact, every serving of The Feast� is made from almost a half pound of the finest fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, seeds and sprouts you can find anywhere.

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    Facts About Today's Food

    Did you know that over 70 percent of processed foods contain at least one genetically modified ingredient? It has been altered from its natural state. Tomatoes along with other produced that you find in a store are picked prematurely and ripened with HORMONES! Apples are treated with RADIATION to make them look fresher.

    What affect do you think that has on them? In turn what affect do you think it has on you? The produce you eat and our children and grandchildren eat are nothing like the produce over 25 years ago.

    The nutritional value and minerals have been depleted and destroyed. They have been poisoned with pesticides design to kill living insects. How do you think it affects you? Are we not living organisms too?

    Companies have produced what is called "energy drinks". They include synthetic caffeine and synthetic sugar. That means it is not natural. It is man-made. Our human bodies are designed to digest natural matter. What kind of affect does synthetic matter have on our bodies?

    Yes our bodies will take in this matter and do its best to digest it. But what kind of damage is being done? You can screw a screw with a butter knife. However, that's not what it was designed for.

    For better nutrition examine a whole food product called The Feast by Uri International.

    Thursday, September 11, 2008

    Canada Growing

    Canada is growing and growing. I have distributors there who are spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars buying this product and sharing it. People and absolutely blown away by Uri International, the product and how healthy it is.

    We have a distributor who is hitting convenience stores hard with Uri Internationals new product Supercharged 3X in capsules. People love energy!

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Australia Fully Open

    Australia is open and ready to do business. Uri International distributors there are growing rapidly. They are totally excited about having this product available. It is the product everyone is been looking for.


    Thursday, August 7, 2008

    We Are Growing In Canada

    It was only a 3 months ago that I sent some samples and one of our Uri International Magalogs to a gentleman in Canada who was interested. He was so blown away by the product and the company that he immediately purchased $600 of the product. He had never seen a product like The Feast on the market. Here was a great tasting wholefood product that was filled with nutrients from over 72 organically and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, berries, sprouts and seeds. In addition it was dried to a powder under 30 second at an average temperature of 65-70 degrees. He knew that meant that the foods was NOT cooked and the enzymes were still in tact.

    He then recommended it to others. Now, dozens and dozens and dozens are enjoying this product purchasing it in bulk. They have signed up for only $9.95 as a distributor. Momentum is growing in Canada because of the sheer need for this product.


    Friday, August 1, 2008

    Strongest Month Ever

    July finished as the strongest month I have had in volume with Uri International. People are buying these product in bulk. I am getting $500 orders or more. They recognized the extreme need for it and its highly nutritional value.

    No other company can compare or produce the same product. Whole foods are the future. Especially with the recent tomato scare, the need for organically and naturally grown produce is of high concern.

    I strongly suggest you try this product. Order a sample.

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Going Global

    Uri International is gearing up to open many new countries. Everything moving faster than ever. Many network marketers young and old are joining and opening up countries. We have a group who is strategically moving from another MLM company here in the US. Guess how much volume they were doing? $2,000,000 per month!

    And they decided to join Uri International. Like last month my group volume is increasing and is on pace to out do last month.

    Don't miss the boat.

    Join Now.

    Saturday, June 28, 2008

    Uri Is On Fire ! ! !

    I have only two more days left in this month and my volume is 156% of last month's volume. I have a guy in my downline who has sponsored 5 distributors this month already with $2000 volume alone from them!

    The key for him is sampling the product to everyone he knows because we ALL needs our fruits and vegetables.

    I know his downline is happy because we are building one straight leg!

    Uri International is also ready to go global.

    Join Us Now.

    Friday, June 20, 2008

    I Am There Already

    June has been an awesome month! My volume is already where it was for the whole month of May and is still growing. There are some business builders on my team that are doing a wonderful job. There are a small team of fitness trainers that are growing marketing The Feast Supercharged.

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    Momentum Is Still Building

    Uri International is growing even faster! I cannot believe the amount of orders that customers and distributors are placing in this company. I just had a customer order $600 worth of whole food product after I sent him a sample with the new magalog!

    The Feast is truly an awesome product unlike any wholefood on the market.

    Sunday, June 8, 2008

    Momentum Is Increasing

    Hello everyone!

    Momentum is increasing with Uri International. Our team's volume has increased this past May. However, in only 8 days into June volume is already at 40% of what we did last month! Health Food stores and Fitness Instructors are signing up and retailing this product.

    We are focusing on ONE leg now. What that means is when you join we will put everyone that joins after you in your leg. You will share that volume.


    Saturday, May 3, 2008

    Magalogs Work!

    I am having a huge success with the new Uri International Magalogs. I was at a trade show and passed a copy out to everyone. People would walk away reading them and come right back to try the product, ask questions and buy. The magalogs speak for themselves.

    It talks about health and nutrition today in America. It shows evidence of the need for better nutrition and how whole foods is the answer. It gives solid proof that The Feast is the way to go because of the unique process that maintains the life of the food.

    The last page offers a one time Feast Specials. Buy The Feast for $43.95 and get a free, shaker cup, a free magalog and more. You can order it online or by phone. Website is

    Phone is 888-940-4001 Mention OFFER CODE: MAG1-25442

    Monday, April 28, 2008

    Radio Infomercials Have Launched In Utah!!!

    Residents Utah are getting a earful of the fantastic radio infomercials this weekend. Brett Rademacher will be interviewing the founder of Uri International, Uri Lebaron. Uri will be talking about the exclusive drying process that he has pefected that is the very foundation of The Feast.

    97% of the life of the produce remain in tact as a result because it is dried under 100 degrees. Average temperature is 65 - 70 degrees! No other company can do that!

    Chiropractors love it!

    Check out The Feast specials at

    Tuesday, January 1, 2008

    Radio Coop Pushed To Back To 2008

    The radio ad for Uri International that was to launch December 16 2007 has been pushed back to the 1Q 2008. As a result of the holidays it has been rescheduled. Many distributor in my group are participating resulting in thousands of advertising dollars for our downline.

    Brett Rademacher is gearing up for an explosive 2008. Since my joining in June 2007 I have advanced from Affiliate to Supervisor to Manager. This year I will advance to Executive. Many in my group have advanced in a short period of time also as a result of building a strong leg downward as they all share volume.

    It is vital to examine this company for yourself.