Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Opportunity Call With Brett Rademacher

Brett is now in Las Vegas. The radio campaigns are about to launch and now is the time to join. The radio infomercials agreements are being sent out. Listen to the call at http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WbfgNlXx

Uri International is literally about to explode and the UriLife team is taking the lead.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Do you know how governent, big business, drug companies and the media operate behind the scenes? Below is a link to a very revealing video that reveals the collusion between all four entities. You will be shocked at what you learn.

The key lesson is to understand that you MUST take self-responsibility for your life in all areas. Share this with all your friends, family andassociates. This stuff can only be stopped by exposing it for what it is, and people becoming ecucated andtaking action. Just like this piece is doing.


Where Is Brett Now?

Brett is headed out to Las Vegas (Henderson, GreenValley Ranch area) Sunday morning. Momentum to building and it is time to establish a site in Vegas. They are moving out there to set training and meeting presence and ultimately a satellite marketing office.

As a team we will be establishing a national and global internet video broadcasting system from there, along with producing radio and TV infomercials and other marketing campaigns and pieces. This will greatly accelerate the growth of Uri as people will come in from all over the country and around the world.